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After multiple generations of living in the Hard Lands, the standard phenotypes have morphed into wider variety of traits. Each PC is of custom lineage, which means that race is mostly flavor, but your race does determines a pair of racial bonus feats that you get at the start of play.

Custom Lineage


You are a humanoid of human, dwarf, elf, gnome, or halfling descent. You determine how closely you resemble your kin.


You are Small or Medium (your choice).


Your base walking speed is 30 feet.

Racial Ability

One ability score of your choice increases by 2.

Bonus Feat

You gain one feat of your choice for which you qualify.

Racial Feats

Racial Trait

You gain one of the following traits of your choice:


You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language that matches your character’s backstory.

Bonus Languages
