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Shogunate of Edo

Shogunate of Edo

 Shogunate of Edo
TypeFeudal Monarchy
Sovereign(Titular) Spirit-Emperor Isakazi
(Effective) Shogun Shimazu
Major ReligionsAnimism
Major RacesHuman, Elf
People known asEdoites
Nation known asShogunate

The Shogunate of Edo is ruled in theory by the Spirit-Emperor, a being which is part man and part nature spirit. In practice, he delegates his authority to the Shogun who runs Edo. Like the Chen, the Shogunate lies beyond the Western Sea, though further to the north. Though inferior in ground forces to the All-Kingdom, the Shogunate’s navy is sufficient to maintain independence from the Chen and allow the establishment of small enclaves between the Coastal Mountains and the shore of the Western Sea.